Orthopedic specialists are specialized doctors in the field of the musculoskeletal system and anything related to bones. Whether it’s a sports injury, a traumatic accident, debilitating bone and backaches or a sudden bone fracture, these orthopedic surgeons are the ones who cater to every different needs of the patient.
When it comes to scheduling an appointment with the big guns, it is crucial to understand that at times your doctor might expect some background knowledge from the patient as well.
Before scheduling an appointment and bombarding the experts with close ended questions, here are some things your orthopedic specialist wants you to know.
A Thorough History About the Occurrence Is Vital
Apart from the multitude diagnostic investigations available today, us doctors really need a firsthand account of what really happened from either the patient or the attendant. It’s fine if you feel ashamed or embarrassed in confronting the truth, but you need to let us know what really happened before we can take things further. Do not be hesitant with your doctor.
Sometimes an Appointment Is Just Not Worth the Hassle
Now we get that you might be feeling uncomfortable, but running to the orthopedic department every time you experience any back or elbow pain is just not justifiable. For minor sprains, aches, ankle twists, overuse of the muscles or tendinitis, we wholeheartedly recommend cold icing, rest and over the counter pain medications. That’s just about what you can get out of us.
Don’t Be Hesitant in Visiting If You Notice These Signs
Most bone aches are pretty much harmless, but if you witness any swelling near the bony surfaces, excruciating pain that wakes you up in the middle of the night, a sudden pop after a suspected fracture or inability to put weight on your legs or walk a few steps, schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible before the damage becomes irreplaceable.
We Encourage Questions But Don’t Bring a List of 20 Questions to Us
We encourage patients to always write down their questions and concerns, it makes us feel that the patient did their homework before the appointment. But be realistic, we are only but humans. We cannot entertain a 2-page tier of questions spanning across an hour. Narrow down your concerns and follow up with us later on for further queries.
Come in The Office with Decent Clothing That Makes the Examination Easier
The last thing we would like is examining an upper arm fracture with you wearing a skin fit top. If you have a knee injury, come in the office with a pair of shorts. If it’s the shoulders, come in wearing a tank top. Trust me, it’s more comfortable than wearing a disposable gown.
Have Realistic Expectations
Please don’t be adamant on a surgery only to complain 2 weeks later about late recovery and loss of mobility. Age and your mobility levels prior to surgery have a lot of input in ensuring a smooth recovery. Please don’t compare yourself to a 25-year-old going under a major surgery. Have realistic expectations, practice patience.
Take Care of Yourself
You can’t expect a doctor to fix years of damage in a matter of days. If you’re 60 something who has smoked and took alcohol for the past 30 years, never moved an inch in the gym, never maintained a well-balanced diet, then I’m sorry but you’re bound to face difficulties. What we expect our patients to do is to start young. Join the gym and remain physically active for at least 5 days a week. Eat calcium rich foods and supplements to build your bony reserves. Maintain a healthy weight to lessen the burden on your bones.
Please Listen to Us Instead of Others Advice
Now hear me out, we encourage open communication and respect any input from the patient’s immediate family members. But you need to understand that every individual is different. Suppose a treatment plan or medications that seem to work for someone else may cause damage to you. Please hear out your orthopedic doctors Woodbridge before self-medicating yourself.